Figure 1.
Relative population dynamics in the Russian Federation, 1926-2002 (1926=100): total population, Mari, and Mari naming the titular language as mother-tongue (1926-1989).

Table 1.
Population of Mari in selected administrative units (according to the 1959, 1989 and 2002 censuses).

Table 2.
The proportion of Mari in rural areas in selected administrative units (according to the 1959, 1989 and 2002 censuses, in per cent).

Table 3.
Native-language retention rate among the Mari in selected administrative units (according  to the 1959 and 1989 censuses, in per cent).

Table 4.
Selected language indicators for the all-Russia Mari population and for the populations of Mari El and Bashkortostan (in per cent): A - native-language retention for Mari; B - Mari mainly using the titular language at home; C - Mari mainly using the titular language at work (according to the micro-census of 1994).

Table 5.
Ethnic composition of the population of the Perm and Sverdlovsk provinces and some of
the districts of the provinces with a notable Mari population component in 1989.

Table 6.
Ethnic composition of the Republic of Bashkorotstan and some of the districts and cities of
the republic in 1989 (included in the table are those districts and cities where the number
of Mari exceeded one thousand).

Table 7.
Ethnic composition of the Udmurt Republic and some districts and Izhevsk city council
area in 1989 (included in the table are those districts where the number of Mari exceeded

Table 8.
Ethnic composition of the Republic of Tatarstan and some of the northeastern districts and cities in the republic in 1989 (included in the table are those districts and cities where the number of Mari exceeded one thousand)